Welcome to MQHA!
The Mississippi Quarter Horse Association
Nov. 1 dues reminder and membership application for all members!
Important Reminder: To be eligible for MQHA points for year-end awards, an exhibitor must be an MQHA member at the time the points are earned. Please make sure your membership is current!
Exciting New Changes for the 2016 Dixie National
"It's a Whole New Show"
February 16th thru 21, 2016
Dixie National EWD February 9th & 10th, 2016
State Fair Commission Rule (Strictly Enforced)
State Fair Commission Rule (Strictly Enforced)!

Latest Showbills:
Fall Classic
This is the last point show of the year!
Casey Devitt
2016 Dixie National Quarter Horse Show Manager
Since earning his American Quarter Horse Association judges card 9 years ago; Casey has judged the most prestigious shows in the county including the AQHA Open and Amateur World Championship Show 4 times, the AQHA Select World Championship, and the NSBA World Show. Casey was born and raised in Southern California and has trained 'horses for more than 30 years. Early in his career he apprenticed under industry legends Greg Whalen, Barney Hinds, and Tim Whitney. Casey has coached many Youth and Amateur riders to top ten placings as well as All-Around Champions at the All American Quarter Horse Congress. He has also shown multiple horses to top ten wins at the AQHA World Show. Casey has been managing the Arizona Sun Circuit for the past 2 years. He is an AQHA Steward at the World Shows and an AQHA Professional Horseman. Casey has been married for 29 years to his wife, fellow trainer, and Judge April Devitt.
Vanessa Lay
The Dixie National Quarter Horse Show would like to introduce our new show secretary, Vanessa Lay. Vanessa is no stranger to the horse show industry; as she has been involved in this industry since 1985. Vanessa has worked with several breed associations and is a certified show secretary for both AQHA and NRHA. Vanessa began her horse industry career in 2001 and since that time has worked with West Virginia Quarter Horse Association, Quebec Quarter Horse Association, and last but certainly not least Ohio Quarter Horse Association; where she has worked as an announcers assistant at the All American Quarter Horse Congress. Please join us in welcoming Vanessa Lay to our Dixie National Quarter Horse team!

To provide beneficial member services that enhance and encourage Quarter Horse ownership and participation.
To generate growth of MQHA membership through marketing, promotion, advertisement, publicity, and education regarding the American Quarter Horse.