May 14, 2013


Opening: The May meeting of the MQHYA was call to order by President Kalee McCann


Members present: Madison Alford, Emily Wasson, Wyatt McCann, Tanner Tidmore, Hunter Crofford, Dalton Culpepper, Mcauley Ross, Trey Bemett, Bailey Carwile, Mary Gracen Reed, Abbie Scott, Kalee McCann, Mary Claire Cornett, Webb Harrison, Robin Harrison, Sabrina Turner (excused), Jenna Seal, Anna Graham (excused), Meghan Shepard (excused), Clancy Scott (excused), Rob Seal, Judy Reed, Sandy Tidmore, Gay McCann, Aprille Watts, Claire Cornett


Approval of minutes: Wyatt made a motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes from the April meeting. Tanner seconded the motion, all in favor, motion passed.


Old Business:


I. Youth Show report-

a. Benefit: Raised $4,400.00 for Shon Gage

b. Shavings: total sold $4,819.00 

c. T-shirt sales: currently $1,686.00(still have tshirts)

d. Thank you notes: Madison report sent to all of the sponsors

The barrel run was included in the show. Total horseshow profit was $12,055.84


II. YES Conference- will be June 20-22, Ms. Aprille and Mrs. Suzy will be chaperoning, There will be 6 boys and 5 girls going possibly.  Kalee and Mary Claire will attend as Region 9 directors.  Both are running for director and national office. 


III. Youth World

a. National Qualifiers: AQHA is updating the list every Friday

b. Sign up meeting: moved Tuesday June 25, if you are planning on going to the Youth World you must go to this meeting or contact Ms. Aprille about signing up.

c. Decorations, Pins, Scrapbook, T-shirts, Prizes, etc… : need to come up with an idea for the pins, Shon volunteered to help with the scrapbook Abbie Scott is going to assist her. Please send pictures of you and your horse to Abbie.  For prizes maybe a button up shirts,tshirts,and caps-- still undecided.  Mary Claire is doing the jeans for jeans contest



New Business:

I.             4H Promotion- We will set up table at the districts and state 4H show. At the southeast district show Abbie, Kalee, and Madison will work the table.  Athe one in northwest show Tanner and Hays will work the table.  At the southeast district show  Webb, Dalton, and Emily will work the table.  Each district will also hold a drawing for a MQHYA

T-shirt.  Tshirts will be awarded to district winners at the state show. 


II. Scholarship Fund Donation:

a. MQHA-$482 raised from the Dixie catalogs

b. Swayze-$1,800 made at the Dixie’s

c.Voted to contribute $1482.00 to MQHA scholarship fund


III. Fall Classic- September 20-22, 4 judges, $199 flat fee


IV.        AQHA community service project- new campaign, a way you can get scholorships-- Deals with equine research.


Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Wyatt McCann and seconded by Tanner Tidmore

The next meeting will be on June 25th-- Youth world sign up.



Minutes submitted by: Mary Gracen Reed, Recording Secretary